
Transparency International Zambia –TIZ- has challenged Lands Minister Elijah Muchima to implement accountability and integrity measures within his ministry to address the persisting issue of corruption.

In response to the minister’s recent statements placing partial blame on citizens for not reporting corrupt practices within the ministry of lands, TIZ Executive Director Maurice Nyambe, says while citizens do have a role in combating corruption, the minister should extend his focus to the ethics and integrity dimensions of the ministry’s staff.

Mr. Nyambe says the minister’s statement fell short of comprehensively addressing the corruption problem within the Ministry of Lands hence the need for Dr. Muchima to take proactive steps in cleaning up internal issues and structural weaknesses before placing blame on external factors.

Meanwhile, Mr. Nyambe has acknowledged the role of citizens in the fight against corruption but asserted that the Ministry of Lands, along with other ministries, holds a more strategic position in addressing the demand side of corruption.