
1).Environmental Degradation: Glenc0re’s mining activities have led to pollution, deforestation, and inadequate environmental stewardship, harming local ecosystems.
2).Human Rights Vi0lations: Reports of unsafe w0rking c0nditions, l0w wages, and insufficient protection of w0rkers’ rights raise concerns about Glenc0re’s commitment to equitable lab0r practices.
3).Tax Av0idance: Glenc0re has been accused of using complex f.inancial structures to reduce its tax 0bligations, undermining Zambia’s tax revenues and transparency.
4).Economic Dependence on Mining: Zambia’s 0verreliance on mining, exacerbated by Glenc0re’s dominance, makes the economy vulnerable to gl0bal c0mmodity price fluctuatins.
5).Lack of L0cal Benefits: Glenc0re’s operations have failed to deliver significant socio-economic improvements for local communities, leaving many in p0verty.
6).Strain on Natural Resources: Glenc0re’s mining activities, particularly regarding water usage, exacerbate the issue of water scarcity.
7).Environmental Concerns: Glenc0re’s past environmental transgressions in Zambia have inflicted enduring ec0logical harm, necessitating a reevaluation of its investments.
8).Lab0r Expl0itation: The company’s track record of substandard wages and poor lab0r c0nditions calls for scrutiny in a nation where lab0r laws are pivotal for workforce welfare.
9).Revenue L0ss: Accusations of tax avoidance by Glenc0re contribute to a loss of critical public service funds and erode trust in corporate transparency.
10).Unfulfilled Promises: Glenc0re’s operations have not fulfilled promises of job creation and infrastructure development, failing to enhance local living standards.