
Renowned medical student, Ignicious Kachingwe, hailing from Levy Mwanawasa Medical University, reflects on a journey defined by resilience and determination. Born in 2001, Kachingwe’s passion for medicine ignited during his secondary school years in 2017. However, despite his aspirations, financial constraints posed a formidable barrier to pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in medicine and surgery. Facing the harsh reality of inadequate sponsorship and an inability to afford tuition fees, Kachingwe refused to succumb to despair.

Drawing upon his entrepreneurial spirit, Kachingwe embarked on a courageous venture in 2019. With a humble loan of K300 from his supportive mother, he ventured into the world of business, where he started selling different food supplements, his business started growing such that he managed to establish Medtech Natural Health. Through unwavering determination and hard work, Kachingwe witnessed the gradual growth of his enterprise. The success of Medtech Natural Health not only enables him to sponsor his tertiary education but also provided opportunities for expansion, with the establishment of branches in Lusaka and Kitwe.

Despite the demands of running a burgeoning business, Kachingwe remained steadfast in his pursuit of academic excellence. In 2021, he seized the opportunity to enroll in Levy Mwanawasa Medical University, resolutely pursuing his lifelong dream of attaining a Bachelor’s degree in medicine and surgery (MBChB). Balancing the rigors of medical studies with entrepreneurial endeavors, Kachingwe’s commitment to his aspirations remained unyielding.

Parallel to his academic pursuits, Kachingwe’s interests extended into the realm of skincare. In January 2024 fueled by a passion for promoting healthy & radiant skin,he founded LuminaSkin. The venture served as a testament to his multifaceted ambitions and relentless drive for success.

Reflecting on his journey, Kachingwe takes pride in his accomplishments, acknowledging the transformative power of perseverance and dedication. From the humble beginnings of borrowing K300 to the establishment of thriving enterprises, his story serves as an inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs and medical professionals alike. Ignicious Kachingwe’s narrative epitomizes the indomitable spirit of resilience and the unwavering pursuit of one’s dreams.