
By ZR Reporter

The Economic and Financial Crimes Division of the Subordinate Court in Lusaka has convicted and sentenced two people to three-years-imprisonment for using the identity of a person living with disàbílitiés to import a vehicle, in order to run away from taxes.

Ms Janet Chanda and Mr Steven Zulu have been sent to prison for obtaining Pecuniary Advantage by False Pretences.

In presiding over the matter, Senior Resident Magistrate Sylvia Munyinya sentenced Janet Florence Mangani Chanda to three years simple imprisonment with effect from 26th November, 2024 being the date she was remanded in custody.

Meanwhile, Hon Munyinya sentenced Mr Zulu to three-years-imprisonment with hard labour with effect from the date of conviction which is 31st January, 2025.

The two were arrested in March last year by the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC).

“Details of the offence are that Ms Chanda and Mr Zulu jointly and whilst acting together on dates between 1st March, 2021 and 30th June 2021 in Lusaka, with intent to défraud, purchased a motor vehicle (Mazda Demio) from Autocom Japan and obtained Tax
exemption from the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) under Regulation 87 (a) of the Customs and Exercise General Regulations SI No. 54 of 2000 for the said Motor Vehicle by falsely pretending that the Motor Vehicle was being purchased and imported into the Republic of Zambia by Emeldah Chisanga Kabwe, a person with disábility registered with Zambia Agency for Persons Living with Disàbilitiès (ZAPD) by using her details in the purchase and importation of the said Motor Vehicle, a representation which was false,” read a statement issued today by ACC Senior Corporate Communications Officer Dorothy Mzumara.

The court has since ordered that the said vehicle be handed over to ZRA until the owner pays the necessary duty by 31st March 2025.