A 60-year-old farmer of Lusaka’s Garden House has admitted working with a group of men who tried to s£ll a 21-year-old Mozambican w0man with albin!sm at K100 million.
It is alleged that the woman was on the verge of being traff!cked for purposes of s£xual expl0itation.
Patson Tembo told a magistrate last week that he can even identify the purported buy£r of the victim, who had initially been lured with a marriage proposal by one of her assailants.
Tembo and six other men are charged with two counts of conduct facilitating traff!cking in persons and prohibition of traff!cking in persons.
The offences are against Section 3(1) of the Anti-Human Traff!cking Act number 11 of 2018.
The six other suspects are Moses Banda, 25, a farmer of Petauke, Jackson Zulu, 44, a driver of Lusaka’s Sitambula, Andrew Kabali, 37, of Makeni Villa, Emmanuel Mwanla, 29, of Matero, Richard Moonga, 27, of Garden House, and Daniel Mwanza, 38, of Chibisa in Lusaka.
Tembo has been convicted of the offences but awaits sentencing since the other accused are still standing trial.
The matter has been adjourned to April 15 for mention.
Credit: Zambia Daily Mail