
He wrote:

I consider myself a student of life, therefore, I take every opportunity I get to learn, evaluate and improve whenever necessary. And I change my mind a lot of times whenever my held position is convincingly challenged. I like to learn new things which means that I ask a lot of questions and I observe a lot. I do take a lot of time analyzing myself, my condition and the community I live in.

When we were growing up, my young brother, who is not young anymore, cried and f0ught to have his own d0g. Our mother got him a beautiful brown p@ppy which he kept but before long the d0g d!ed. We bought another one and before it grew, it d!ed. My mother was to never buy the little man another d0g. These poor d0gs would lose weight, and eventually fall ill and d!e. No one knew why they d!ed like that.

I now have two big d0gs. They are huge and dangerous I must say. When we bought these m0nsters last year, I paid attention to what they were eating and to my shock, there were no B0NES prescribed for my d0gs. There were no b0nes in the d0g food, comrades I could not believe it. I was worried that my d0gs would starve to d£ath. Today my d0gs are healthy and strong…. But no b0nes in their food still. After a little analysis and paying attention to a lot of factors at play, I realized that actually D0GS DO NOT EAT B0NES. Yes the d0gs love b0nes, they get excited when they are given b0nes but that’s only what the b0nes are there for, just entertainment for the mouth.

My experience with my d0gs taught me one very important lessons about leadership. A good leader needs to know between what is needed and what is wanted. I remember a friend of mine, who is a Member of Parliament in one of the rural constituencies in Zambia. This friend of mine drove from Lusaka to his constituency in his village to initiate a project of digging pit latrines at a school and market. I asked this honourable brother of mine why he felt his people needed pit latrines and not flushable toilets, he laughed as if it was funny and reminded me that the people in the villages don’t know about flushable toilets. His point was that the people in his constituency did not care whether the toilets were flushable or not. I wondered why this honourable gentleman was a leader if he was not willing to lead his people to any level of existence. Just because his people were happy to use pit latrines, it doesn’t mean that they could not use flushable toilets.

Back to the d0gs, I figured out that my young brother’s d0gs d!ed because he only gave them b0nes instead of the actual food. The d0gs were very excited with the b0nes than with any other food item on their plate so my little brother made sure the dogs had fresh b0nes all the time but eventually they were malnourished and d!ed with time. Comrades D0gs Don’t Eat B0nes. My lesson there is that a good leader knows the difference between what is nice and what is important.

If my young brother knew that his puppy needed the actual food instead of b0nes, his d0gs would have grown into big, healthy and strong d0gs like the ones I have now but he didn’t. Oh!!! we didn’t know?

Sometimes leaders make very difficult decisions to achieve a new level of experience for the people they lead. Sometimes these decisions injure our traditions and expose us to new challenges but at the end we grow and become better. It takes a good leader to risk popularity for the good of his people. Until that difficult decision is made, we may never know the good that exists on the other side of our familiar zones.

Ladies and gentlemen, d0gs don’t eat b0nes. They may like them more than anything you give them but if you continue giving them b0nes, you will lose those beautiful d0gs. Give them the food that matters and builds them Into the lovely creatures they are.

Never mind the attached picture
