
Let me share with you a personal story that inspired me, a young man from Kaloko (Ndola), to become a medical student. In my community, the majority of young men do not place much value on education, and unl@wful behavior is unfortunately prevalent. However, amidst these challenges, there was one individual who defied the 0dds and made a lasting impact on my life—my extra0rdinary father.

During a difficult time in my life, when recurring c0ld s0res caused me great discomfort, my un£ducated father became my source of comfort and healing. With his simple yet effective remedy of brushing my s0res with a toothbrush dipped in salt, he provided me with relief and comfort that went beyond the physical. Witnessing his unwavering commitment to my well-being, despite the prevailing mindset and behaviors in our community, inspired me deeply.

I realized that education and compassion had the power to break the cycle of unlawful behavior and transform lives. Fueled by the desire to make a difference, both in my own life and in the lives of others, I resolved to pursue a path in medicine and surg£ry. I want to show young men and women in my community that education and personal growth were essential in creating a better future.

Driven by my father’s extraordinary care, my love for bi0logy, and the desire to challenge prevailing bel!efs, I set my sights on becoming a medical student. Despite the prevailing mindset in my community, I immersed myself in my studies, seeking knowledge, and developing the necessary skills to bring about positive change.

As I took my first steps into the halls of the renowned medical school, I carried within me a profound sense of purpose. I made a promise to myself that I would not only succeed in my chosen path but also be an example to my fellow young men and women. I want to show them that despite the challenges and prevailing beliefs, we have the power to rise above our circumstances and create a better future through education and personal growth.

Today, as I continue my journey as a medical student, I am committed to breaking barriers and changing perceptions. I want to be a living example to my community, demonstrating the transformative power of education, compassion, and personal resilience. Through my dedication to learning, my compassion for others, and my unwavering commitment to excellence, I aim to inspire a new generation of young men and women to believe in themselves and their potential.

In a community where the majority may not believe in the power of education, I stand as a testament to what is possible. By fulfilling my promise and being an example, I hope to ignite a spark of inspiration in others, be a beacon of hope, guiding others towards a brighter future and empower them to embrace their own journeys of personal growth and success.

Mwila Mwila an ordinary youth with extraordinary dreams.