When you sense danger and tipped about receiving a portion or taste of your own medicine, you retreat trying to decieve society which you deem to be fluid minded forgetting that you are dealing with a general populus which is extremely analytical and objective to the apex thereby rendering your motive useless.The appology carries no gravity and is absolutely cosmetic. He might be tipped by careless pilferers of information within the system are are still beholding to the norms, and valueless values of their former paymasters who were resoundingly democratically booted out through the ballot by the UPND Alliance.As Central Province, as citizens of good will and indeed devotees of good governance, we refuse without second thoughts the “Judas Appology” the law must and should take it’s course impartially to the betterment of society and not to it’s detriment. May the system be cleaned for effective and efficient public asset recovery program and President HH is his ambition to devour corruption he has to be supported to the latter because this fight requires collective action, collective support and a strong conviction in unison.